Diane Arenberg

I grew up in Glen Ellyn, a semi-rural town (then) west of Chicago. Always an explorer, I found joy and solace exploring the prairies, woods and streams close to my home. My love for nature grew exponentially over the years through Girl Scout Camp, backpacking and canoeing in upper Wisconsin, and many trips to Alaska (originally on a mission boat in Juneau and subsequently backpacking with my husband for three summers. I approach my art with a similar sense of curiosity and wonder: I flow seamlessly between my chosen mediums, ones I worked with in depth.

Over the past 4 decades I’ve studied with artists whose work I admire. My proficiency in diverse materials is akin to knowing several languages fluently: I choose the medium which will express my concept best, be it in pastel, paint, encaustic, stone, printmaking, photography or metal. The thread which unites them all is my love for texture and light as it travels across weather-beaten terrain.

In 1988, I discovered Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, NM and know my soul was home. Since then, I have devoted half my life to the Ranch as a Participant, Instructor, President of the National Ghost Ranch Foundation, Governing Board Member, Donor, and most recently as a Co-Founder and Creator of the Estudio Corazón Artist in Residence program. To get to know a place intimately takes time, patience, and an adventuresome spirit. Ghost Ranch was the perfect fit!

As the residency enters its fifth successful year, it’s time for me to explore other wild places. I carry with me the friendships forged and an increased love for rugged landscapes and the beauty they have brought to my life. I am looking forward to the next chapter!