Need help finding your way?
We are located at 1 County Road 166 Abiquiu New Mexico
From Hwy 84 in Abiquiu turn onto County Rd 162, just north of Bodes . If headed north, there is a county Road 162 sign on the right hand side of the road , and the turn is on your left about 100 feet AFTER the sign. It is the turn at the river, if you cannot see the River Chama on your right, you are on the wrong road. Many have made this mistake, and as far as I can tell, all have survived.
If headed south on 84, take a right onto 162 just after the small bridge over the River Chama. The River Chama will be on the right hand side of the road,
Follow County Road 162 1.3 miles to the last cattle guard without turning, do not continue right on 162, but go straight onto County Road 167. In 150 feet, you will see the sign for Nest to turn left onto County Road 166 and left after the shop into the parking lot. You have arrived!
Nice navigating.
See you real soon!